Why I Love Fluoride – And You Should Too!
You probably know that fluoride is great for you oral health and enamel strength. Today, I am going to tell you a little more about the history of fluoride, a little about the controversy, and my recommendations of how to get the most benefit from fluoride. A Brief History of Fluoride In the 1940s, the...read more
Where is that sugar sneaking in?
So you come in for your 6-month cleaning and you’re really excited. You’ve been a lot better about brushing and flossing and you are ready to impress me with your perfectly healthy teeth. But then you still have cavities. What? I know it’s frustrating. But, I can usually figure out the culprit...read more
Hello, Hello Arvada, Colorado!
While Colorado has been home for the past 5 years, I am now at my brand new practice in Arvada. I took over the practice from the dentist you all know and love, Dr. Kish. I may look young, but I have actually been in the dental industry for 14 years now. I started as a dental hygienist in 2000...read more